Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Displaying Artwork

My daughter loves to draw, paint, glue, and color.  I always have a ton of art projects that she has either done at home or at daycare.  I feel bad just looking at it and then throwing it away.  I have created three different ways throughout my house to display her artwork.

In her bedroom, I hung three frames above her dresser and display some artwork there.  I have removed glass because some of her projects are 3D.

In the toy room, I hung some string above a table using two eye hooks.  I use binder clips to display the art projects on the string.  You could also use paper clips or clothes pins.

The last artwork display spot is in our dinning room.  Earlier I took an old painting and turned it into a bulletin board.  You can read that process here.  

Reagan loves having her artwork on display and enjoys showing people when new art work is being displayed.  

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