Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Organizing Project Life

I have been doing Project Life now for just about four years now and I absolutely love it.  You can read about how I got started with this great scrapbooking system here.

What I want to talk about today is how I am planning on keeping all of my Project Life stuff organized this year.  I would love to have a whole room I could dedicate to scrapbooking, but I only have a shelf in a closet to store my supplies.  When I want to scrapbook, I take what I need to the dinning room table and do it there.

In the past, I have kept all the cards that come with the kit that I am currently using in the box that they came it.  When I want to scrapbook, I put that box and my scrapbook binder on the table and get busy.  Now, I have more supplies that I use instead of just the box of cards for a certain kit.  I have cards left over from other kits and specialty cards (holidays, ones from Pinterest, etc) and I have stickers and filler paper as well.  I didn't know how to keep this all organized so I would know where everything was and not have to carry a hundred boxes to the table when I wanted to scrapbook.

Here is the system that I have come up with to try this year.

First is how I am planning on recording the memories.  Last year when something happened that I wanted to put into my scrapbook, I jotted it down on a calendar and then every Saturday I would go through my pictures, pick the ones I wanted to include and complete the journaling for each one.  The pictures would go into a "To Print" folder on my desktop and would stay there until I found a good deal on print them through Snapfish.  This meant that when I did print pictures I would have a least 100 of them at a time to put into my binder.

I liked this system because I could journalize while the memory is still fresh in my mind.  However, this year I would like to really have the colors of my journal cards flow with the colors of my pictures.  Therefore, I am not going to complete the journal cards until I have the pictures in the binder.  I am still going to wait and develop a ton of pictures at time to save some money, so I needed to come up with something to help me plan a little a head of time.

I designed this template (click here for a printable).  It is pretty simple, but there is plenty of room to to journalize on this planning sheet plus jot down where on the page I want to place this picture and journal card plus any other "fluff" like stickers, memorabilia, etc.  I printed these pages back to back and have put them in a binder.

I also went through all my project life cards and grouped them by type of card and then by color.  This way, if I need to find a blue journaling card, I have them all in one place.  I found this plastic storage bin to hold all my cards, some stickers, my pens, pencils, etc.

I took all of the rest of my stickers and grouped them by theme.  I placed each them in a food storage bag and labeled them.  I don't use these a lot, so they will stay on a shelf in the closet.  However, when I need one, all I have to do is grab the theme that I need instead of having to page through many packs of stickers to find the one I need.

I am hoping that this system will work well this year :)  How do you keep all your scrapbooking stuff organized?

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