Saturday, January 25, 2014

January Recipes

Here are some new recipes that I tried this month...

Holiday Bacon Appetizers
These were so simple!  My mom made them for a party we went to on Christmas Eve and they were so good I had to make them for one of our other family gatherings.  I did choose to do the brown sugar instead of the Parmesan cheese.  I love the combination of sweet and salty!

Brown Sugar Spiced Baked Chicken
This chicken was pretty good.  It was really easy to make and would make a good freezer meal (I plan on adding it to my rotation).  Remember to put foil or parchment paper on the pan when you are baking the chicken.  The brown sugar takes a lot of arm muscle to remove from the pan if you don't.

Whole-Wheat Monster Cookies
My daughter wanted to make cookies; I am trying to cut back on the sweets I am eating so I wanted to try and find a cookie recipe that is a little healthier for you than most.  This one fit the bill for me.  It is loaded with oats, some protein, and dried fruit. I also made all the dough, but froze over half of it so that I don't have all these cookies around to eat.

Cheesy Bacon Chicken Casserole
Amazing!  I am not a casserole person, however when I saw this recipe I liked everything in it so I thought I would give it a try.  Who can say no to cheese and bacon?  I am so glad I did.  My husband and I love bacon so the only thing I would change about this would be to add more bacon :)

I try very hard to not cook the same things over and over.  Of course we have our family favorites, but I also enjoy cooking new things.  I try to cook something new each week.  In the past, I have subscribed to many cooking magazines to get new ideas.  I would tear out recipes that interested me.  Just recently I create a new organized way to store and save these recipes.  You can read about that here - Recipe Binder.  Now I have Pinterest :) The nice thing about Pinterest is I don't have to print off the recipes.  I can pin them to my boards and quickly access them on my iPad when I am meal planning and cooking.  Here are my recipe boards if you want to take a look:
Yummy Snacks                         
Slow Cooker
Delicious Desserts                       
Daily Dinners
Good Morning Breakfast               

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